Web version note: I changed the main controls for the WebGL version to WASD (instead of ZQSD). Alternate controls (arrows) still work though, as does a layout change :)

The heart of the forest has been corrupted, and you are the one the Spirits chose to cleanse it. Use their powers to fight the corruption!

Heart of the Forest is a little shmup I made for Ludum Dare #35, and it also happens to be my first released game! It has many flaws, but making it has taught me more than I ever learned about game making. So yeah, I consider this first Ludum Dare a success :)

Ludum Darers (or whatever we're called), don't forget to rate it!

I also wrote a post-mortem that you can read on the Ludum Dare website.


heartoftheforest_ld35_win.zip 12 MB
heartoftheforest_ld35_mac.zip 14 MB
heartoftheforest_ld35_nux.zip 15 MB

Install instructions

Unzip file. Use launcher. Thank you, Unity :)